PBE Folio Building Workshop Terms & Conditions

1. Respecting Others

We have scheduled the workshops at each location and allocated models and participant numbers so that you will have ample time to create in each designated shoot zone and with each model.

We just ask you to respect the schedule to be fair to all and allow everyone to enjoy a successful shoot day together.

No one likes a shoot hog, so do what you can to make sure you get your shots and share the love!

2. Photography of Other Participants

This workshop is specifically designed to help you build your folio and we have provided models for this purpose. We have pulled together this unique experience at great expense and effort so you can enjoy this experience to create in a gorgeous shoot environment.

To respect the experience of everyone at the workshop, we ask that you refrain from taking photos of yourself and other photographers during the workshop.

Intellectual Property and privacy regulations mean that you may be in breach of copyright and privacy laws by capturing and using images of others which have not been authorised or licensed.

We of course will allow selfies and grant permission to capture behind the scene images of Paula and Alison for social media sharing, and just ask that you tag both of us when posting.

However, if you wish to be photographed at this location, we have provided the opportunity for you to book a session at this location, and so ask you to respectfully refrain from the temptation to capture your own (or any other photographer's) personal brand images on this workshop day.

Any photographers we find who are disrespecting us by using this opportunity to have images of themselves captured, will be kindly asked to leave the workshop.

As fellow working photographers, we are sure you will understand :

3. Workshop Only Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule your participation in the workshop, we will work with you for the best possible outcome.

If you provide written cancellation more than 22 days prior to the workshop we will provide you with a 100% refund less any costs we have already incurred in preparing for the workshop.

If you provide written cancellation no more than 21 days of the workshop date, or do not provide written notice of cancellation, or simply do not attend the workshop and/or photoshoot, you will forfeit all monies paid unless we are able to rebook another participant in your place at the workshop in which case we will provide you with a full refund less costs incurred by us in relation to your original booking, and the rebooking of another participant.

4. Liability

We take no responsibility and will not be liable for any damage, cost, expense, or claim incurred or suffered by you which is associated with your travel to and from a workshop or photoshoot, including but not limited to travel costs, accidents which result in injury or death, an act of nature, or the consequence thereof including but not limited to, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, tornado, or by reason of riots, wars, hostilities, government restrictions, trade embargoes, strikes, lockouts, labour disputes, boycotting of goods, ship storage, chemical or nuclear spill, manufacturer's bankruptcy, delays or damage in transportation or other causes beyond our control.

5.Workshop Cancellation

In the unlikely event of us having to cancel either the workshops or photoshoots, you will be refunded ALL monies paid.

Of course!


Can't wait to create with you, 

Paula Brennan & Alison McWhirter

Last Updated: 3 January 2024 



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